Preparing to go on this trip has really opened my eyes to how and where God works. I was skeptical about writing and distributing a support letter. I had all these doubts running through my head. Why would people want to support me? Isn't it going to be awkward essentially asking people for money? Wouldn't I have to come out of my "Christian closet" -- into the public eye if I was going to ask for donations?
Well, over the course of the past two months, all those doubts disappeared and all my questions were answered -- it's only been through prayer and reflection that I see this now but I think it's so important that I want to share my conversations with God.
Dear God: Why would people support me?
'Silly child. They aren't supporting you. They are supporting me.'Dear God: Isn't it going to be awkward asking people for money?
'I will give you the words and the means to write the letter. And I will show you who to give the letter to. Trust me on this one.'Dear God: I'm scared to come out of my Christian closet, especially at work.
'I didn't say this was going to be easy. You will know what to say and when to say it. You will know what to share and when to share it. Listen for me and I will be your guide.'It's all so clear now
When I wrote my support letter and distributed it, I didn't know that it would generate so many opportunities to talk about God and my faith. I didn't know that I would be sharing my Christian mission trip with people at work. And, it was a lot easier than I ever thought it could be.
"Thank you" doesn't seem to say enough to those of you who have contributed money, clothing, shoes, sports equipment, and prayer. I lay no claim to knowing how God works -- but I do know that He provides. When all is said and done, 90% of the costs associated with this mission were donated and countless clothes, shoes and sporting goods! The picture to the right shows the donations from my friends at Limited Logistics Services. The leadership team there is generously shipping all 12 of these boxes!
I will not do great things in Colombia: God will
It's been an emotional day, thinking about all of you and how blessed I am that you support this work. These contributions allow me to go and work on behalf of God, through Christ. I want you to know that words can't describe how grateful I am. Thank you all for believing in this work. Thank you for believing that God can work through me.
I am leaving in 36 hours: praise be to God for this opportunity.
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